集团本着“至精至诚 服务用户 以人为本 镌刻辉煌”的理念,推动行业发展。同时,集团不忘回馈社会,积极行善。去年响应各级党委政府扶贫济困的号召,成立200万元的慈善基金,用于帮助贫困人士精准脱贫。其中,100万元善款定向捐赠凉山州喜德县米市镇教育事业。集团高层身体力行,亲自到扶贫地探访,为困难学生送去温暖。此外,集团在里水镇成立了广东pg电子官方网站商贸集团奖教奖学和助学基金,鼓励和帮助里水镇的莘莘学子出色地、圆满地完成学业。
为客户- 以良好的信誉、优质的服务成为客户真诚的合作伙伴,携手共同发展。
为社会- 以参与经济发展,支持社会进步为已任。
为员工- 为员工创造发展空间,提升工作能力和生活质量。
For Customers: Become a sincere partner with customers through good reputation and quality service, working together for mutual growth.
For Society: Commit to participating in economic development and supporting social progress.
For Employees: Create opportunities for employee development, enhance work skills, and improve quality of life.
求实- 稳健经营,强化执行力。
求效- 为客户创造价值、为企业创造价值、为员工创造价值。
求新- 观念创新,锐意改革;管理创新,保持活力。
求进- 每天前进一步,保持可持续发展。
Practicality: Operate steadily and strengthen execution.
Effectiveness: Create value for customers, the company, and employees.
Innovation: Innovate ideas and embrace reform; innovate management to maintain vitality.
Progress: Move forward every day, ensuring sustainable development.
Excellence and Sincerity, Serving Users, People-Oriented, Carving a Brilliant Future